Pathways to Graduation Brooklyn

Pathways to Graduation (P2G) provides students with the preparation and tools needed for a successful future by helping them earn their High School Equivalency Diploma. **
P2G is a full-time free program and is a part of the New York City Department of Education. We are open for students ages 17.5* - 21.
Pathways to Graduation Offers:
Instruction from certified teachers in all four sections of the High School Equivalency exam: Reading Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies
Rolling admission which enables students to enroll throughout the school year.
Individuals who have passed Regents Examinations in English language arts, mathematics, science, and/or social studies can substitute those passing scores for corresponding subject tests on the GED® Exam: RLA (reading and writing), math, science, and social studies.
Breakfast and/or lunch are provided at some sites to eligible students.
Metrocards for all eligible students
College & Career support to guide students to post-secondary options.
Community partnerships throughout Brooklyn
Paid internships and Career and Technical Education options through partnerships
*On a case-by-case basis
**The New York State Regents - HSE Exam Pathway to a HSE Diploma allows candidates to substitute passing scores on Regent’s examinations taken in high school for corresponding High School Equivalency Exam subject tests. Applicants who have earned all four subject credits through the Regents – HSE pathway must also to take and pass at least one HSE exam subject as required by the NYSED Commissioner’s Regulations.